Nugrug benjamin harubin 2017 collage |
Some say they believe in God and others say they don't or that they don't know.
I say that human experience between all individuals is non-trivially similar in this regard.
Instead of God you might say Nature or the Government or the Past.
That is, there is some all-powerful force that is outside of you.
In all cases, there are unquestioned bases and unanalyzed assumptions, whether they be materialistic, theistic, animistic or etc.
Confronted with the ineffable vastness of conscious experience,
we extract images, which extrapolated and reiterated,
gain greater and greater weight and complexity
to the point where now can say for certain what happened
at 1 × 10-42 seconds after the creation of the universe
or how many angels can dance on the head of a fly's eye.
We use these images to effect change in our experiences;
to produce positive outcomes.
We use these models to predict experience.
All of them are potentially useful,
even as fragments folded again and again back into the ineffable vastness,
resurfacing billions of years later, still influencing the collective structure.
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