Monday, February 20, 2023


As Above, So Blow
benjamin harubin 2016
image manipulation series

what is subjectivity vs. objectivity, and what is science, exactly?
to what degree can we be objective?
if everything that we know is in our heads, is there such a thing?
well, a well-developed ToM (Theory of Mind) strongly persuades us that if others can reach the same conclusions as we, then that indicates we are on to an objective truth.
so...  consensus is an indicator of objectivity.
repeatability...  and a common tongue.  

but many have pointed out that there may be many un-examined assumptions underlying scientific truths (not to mention the herd mentality (ok, i won't)).
there are always underlying assumptions or biases, many of them pre-verbal, due to the structure of our type of consciousness as developed over billions of years.
we as a species can never have a truly objective science.
only god can know everything.

whether you believe in H*M or not, the idea is still resonant as absolute perfection or knowability, still informing the hardest science of physics, i.e., if you can understand matter at the smallest of scales, you can predict the fate of the universe.  Plato in a Can.  better let him out, then. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023


maybe we aren't so special, but dance we must

Bome 17
benjamin harubin 2021
 collage in silico (.jpg)

call it a visualization- a visual model of a set of vortices- a channel for solar photons and jumping electrons- a set of instructions for a chlorophyll molecule- that is what you are and you are also a floater interfering with another's visualization- and inside that there is another set of reasons that unpredictably give rise to what is and reasons why what is must be so.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Think About It


Think About It

"If at All"
benjamin harubin 2021
electronic composite

a shrine, a picture on the wall

when you pass, every day at a certain time

think about it 

it is whatever it is that's troubling you, my child

it is a nice, clear day

it is a more comprehensive thought than whatever it is that you are thinking about now

contemplate the context: a context warning, a context blessing, a survey of available resources

it is the World

it is the Ocean

it is the Universe

it is God

it is the Brain

it is your Brain

ok, go

Sunday, April 18, 2021

i dreamt that i watched the news

I was dreaming when i wrote this, but my memory of the dream remains fragmentary. Nevertheless, I am certain these following fragments are correctly recalled.  What does it mean?

i watched the history show

i saw how the story unfolded

it changed over the hour

remnant ambient
benjamin harubin 2021
corel photo paint file

the more i thought about it

it came over wires

we waved and waved

it didn't make sense 

until we grabbed the handle or 

the hook came down

activate the bundle

bundle of nerves

that signaled accordance

grabbed us by the handle

(that's how they get you)

but you can wiggle the knobs

you can wiggle the room a little

for interesting effects

a room you didn't know was there

more room in the dream

the dream dream dream

dream of night

dream of sight

dream of the serious world

(as you go to your day job)

past present future are

modes resonances

all right there

[now? there.]

accessible by feeling

memories- retracings of retracings

palimpsest of generations of generations

neural and glial since the soft bang

and subsequent decanting

always writing

monks in cells of cells

building painting

conquering collapsing

building new building new

i had impostor syndrome




Tuesday, April 13, 2021


just looking through the unpublished drafts of this blog and noticed this one.  thought i'd dust off this one from a few years ago and give a quick varnish and publish it today.  it'd help me to continue posting on this blog if you gave a comment of any sort here so i know there's someone out there.


There's been fake news as long as there have been humans. Longer, actually. Any language conveys information and information doesn't care about truth. It only cares about usefulness, whether it be to sender or receiver, both or a third party (such as the alien brain-sucking parasites known to science as the species Felis catus).   

Since the mainstream adoption of Fake News, there is the understanding that there are now Fake Markets, and apparently, Fake Knowledge

just remember all news is in tension or compression with some or all other news and serves the structural integrity of the PLANETARY WEB (!)

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Echoes of the Past

...processed, compressed, retrieved from storage, emulated and hyperlinked. 

(The Anti-Timeist Agenda- part one)
benjamin harubin 2017
collage in silico

What is time?
Does it flow from a single source, read by the needle of consciousness, and pass into the oubliette of the past?
Are we standing in a river, never the same water again,
or are we floating down it on our way to the Death Sea?
Such is an insistence on this instant, this instant, while the past and the future are merely thinkings of things; memories and fantasies.  
But have some faith!
Do birds stop flying when you're not looking at them?

Imagine you're trapped in a giant eyeball, perhaps in nice tiny cabin atop an observation tower in the middle.
Light flows in through the pupil towards you- this is the flow of time, at the speed of light.
You can see that there are other openings, releasing dark sounds or gases or dust, each with their own rates, each intersecting and interfering with the others.  
Time is Plural.  
There are as many time streams as you care to notice, converging on your cabin, falling to the bottom, getting squashed, rotting and then getting sucked up by these other holes...  
Sometimes what goes in comes back out, echoed, but processed, compressed, retrieved from storage, emulated and hyperlinked. 
Never mind the moles.  

All in an instant.
Because you're just imagining this, right?
...And what are you?
The tick tock of a single clock assigned the task of coordinating the streams?
Or are you just standing too close to the cabin clock?
This convergence, this single clock is an illusion, however.  
It is a patch, a picture, a useful idea we call now, invented when first was uttered then.
The function of TIME is to extract useful information from multiple TIMES.
It's the TWiSM: the Timey-Wimey Spaghetti Matrix

Thursday, November 16, 2017


benjamin harubin 2017

Some say they believe in God and others say they don't or that they don't know.  
I say that human experience between all individuals is non-trivially similar in this regard.
Instead of God you might say Nature or the Government or the Past.
That is, there is some all-powerful force that is outside of you.
In all cases, there are unquestioned bases and unanalyzed assumptions, whether they be materialistic, theistic, animistic or etc.
Confronted with the ineffable vastness of conscious experience, 
we extract images, which extrapolated and reiterated, 
gain greater and greater weight and complexity 
to the point where now can say for certain what happened  
at 1 × 10-42 seconds after the creation of the universe 
or how many angels can dance on the head of a fly's eye.  
We use these images to effect change in our experiences; 
to produce positive outcomes. 
We use these models to predict experience.
All of them are potentially useful, 
even as fragments folded again and again back into the ineffable vastness, 
resurfacing billions of years later, still influencing the collective structure.