Friday, March 25, 2016

Memory Palace GUI

want a better OS?  virtual office, just saying.  now that we got decent graphics and those goggles and stuff.  now all we need are reliable robots to tell us where exactly on the floor did we throw the McMahon account.  

benjamin harubin 2016
benjamin harubin 2016
electronic media

where are the controls for this thing?   
life II storage-  build your private kingdom/bedroom. 

don't let your data fall into the wrong hands.  
buy insurance.  
encode into DNA and sow the little von neumanns. 

like prove that the aliens aren't here.  
or that we are not, in fact, the extaterrestials, giorgio. can any you coneheads?
the cloud is a pastiche, a palimpsest of geologic stratification with degradation 
and transformation, burial and retrieval.
but the current state of information flow is not omni omni.  or even beer.
so, does information ever get lost- 
forever in a black hole, 
or will it hawkingly radiate,
chaotic patterns emerging like hot minerals from a mid ocean vent plume, 
fed on by ravenous crawlers and spiders and vac bots, 
which in turn eventually provide food for information scientists. 

millions fragments of chats survive in icechunks, 
in fragmented rock.
but we are yet nowhere near actually cloning that dinosaur 
let alone the mammoth.
the uncertainty of history (and knowledge) is increasing, 
increasingly at a greater rate.
do we know who we are and where we've been?

blur the line between fact and fantasy cause now gaming is top biz.
-and the media modulates the matrix

so, we don't can't really prove our point.  
we make it up as we go along.  naive, i know.'/

to be all scientific and shit, you gotta be very organized; rigorous, even.  files.  
organized by you  
in your memory palace  
where there's a door behind a cabinet in the attic that you haven't seen in a long long time   and it leads to unused wings that you never knew were there.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Grab Power Lines


(sounds like winning theory)

"Contact Binary (Plexified)"
benjamin harubin 2016
microprocessed paste-up image (.mpui)

can you prove that the universe exists outside of your own skull (if you own a skull)?
ce0b10395d0ca4bc8313227d17231a8b.jpg (236×212)
how could you tell whether or not this was true?
at whatever level of complexity the simulation is.
everything we know is thanks to our senses, 
but there are also innate feelings of (in)appropriateness
(as to what the nature of reality is, beit rational or faith based).

...because "you" are a part of the machinery, 
biological or artificial as it may be.  
you are a part of the master program; 
17.JPG (640×288)
part of the total game package,
necessarily because each universe must exchange information with all of itself, 
otherwise parts will pinch off (into new universes?) 
and no longer be part of this universe.  

but black holes do evaporate.  
and we learn new things all the time- 
izzat the leakage from another universe?  
a higher plane?  
izzat god or the intelligent life principle that guides the cosmos?  
or leakage?  
how could you tell?  
don't you also have to prove that we are NOT living in a simulation?
also prove there is no "life principle" or "antientropic force", let alone "higher intelligent influences" .  no i mean really like prove it or shut up.  i know you may feel one way or another, but that and a cellphone will get you around the city. 

and all those things we talk about such as god, the devil, 
objective reality, scientific facts, other people, etc,
are a part of you whatever you is, 
sprites in the connectome. 
440px-White_Matter_Connections_Obtained_with_MRI_Tractography.png (440×419) 

that's the godlike responsibility you gots.    
is this all just, seriously, just a non topic, yawn.  
aren't you left with pretty much the same thayng?  
just sayng.

so those feelings of (projected, long term, sustainable?) appropriateness-
are those the learning new things leakage-y Great Dispersor  of all cool shit?