Friday, February 19, 2016

True Polar Wander

[shot of raging flood]
Bec + O
benjamin harubin 2016
digital collage

a dream of a flood

preparing for flood
studying buoyancy theory

a scattering of Noah MacGyvers 
scavenging abandoned fuel tanks
and saving polyethylene liter bottles;
stocking weapons and tools and food and medkits.
they're living in tiny houses on wheels;
houses that walk on the strand like beests;
Up houses with limpet teeth balloon bags
(what about how a mysterious Czech is rumored to have achieved blimp to orbit with a homemade fusion powered airshiphome- en route to an exile in the bome?)

emulating the botanical seed, 
ready to detach from the grid,
self sufficient but seeking,
designed to exploit resources under a variety of scenarios
(note to self: make it float?  make it pressurized?)

are you ready for the flood of a thousand faces?

>a journey at sea; sifting for protein.

a society at sea

(chapters like mini games, like serials)

waterworld temporary aquatic caravans,
harvesting plastic flotsam,
that strangely now we eat,
forming symbiotic colonies
searching for the half remembered Denver.

what good are your guns now?
orcas are sated but anyhow an orca gun was one thing omitted. 
someone had one, but declined to waste the precious rounds on mere mammals.

...then i remembered not to be afraid, and yet the lure of the sea remained.
-to laughing play in the surge and flow, 
easy flight, 
the current brings breakfast and muscles rejoice unstuck from hard dry pavement.  

return, return, return,
there is a season, for the rest of your life.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Parasitical Demagogue Flayed in Public!

benjamin harubin 2015
digital collage

...but that doesn't seem to stop it,
for it is a multicelled, multi-armed and -legged protoplasmic web,
with a great sticky corpulent orange head, 
it's mouth and anus being one opening.
it spews fecal matter which is further processed by peripheral corpuscles,
which, in turn, provide a fresh hydrogenated paste
that enables the swiveling mechanism of the bloated head.
thus it is as a puppet wobbling about on strings of gelatinous nutrients. 

it's taking over my mind
i can't believe i said that
eats garbage on the garbage a foamy edge with eyes on it
all of this
this normal life
this ordinary stuff
some kind of alien virus
else we could explain it with more satisfaction
but nobody can remember
it's beyond our control
are you a real boy?
we are symbiont.